B-Roll Basics

Jun 9, 2024

Creating an engaging real estate video involves more than just showcasing the property’s main features. B-roll footage, the supplementary shots that add depth and context, plays a crucial role in enhancing the visual storytelling of a property tour. Essentially good B-roll can be the secret sauce of video magic for your collateral.

In this blog you will learn..

  • What is B-roll and why it’s important
  • How we capture B-roll
  • How B-Roll can make your videos stand out

Understand the purpose of B-Roll

Before you start shooting, it’s essential to understand what B-roll is meant to achieve. B-roll complements the primary footage by providing additional context, setting the scene, and adding visual interest. In real estate videos, B-roll can highlight intricate details, establish the property’s ambiance, and give potential buyers a more immersive experience.

One way we incorporate B-roll in our packages is footage from the local community, staged lifestyle shots, and even you performing fun action shots!