How to make sure your listing does not end up on Zillow Gone Wild

Apr 20, 2024

90 percent of buyers often form their first impressions of a property through online listings or, let’s face it, on Captivating real estate photos is paramount. However, here at Absolute Altitude, we do occasionally run into problems with homes that are not photo-ready.  

Unfortunately, being unprepared has two outcomes. The first is that we cannot complete the shoot, and the second is that the photos do not reach their full potential—and that makes our team a little sad, as we believe that every home has a “good side,” and we love to capture it!

Here are our best tips for ensuring that your listing doesn’t go viral for the wrong reasons.

11 Essential Photo Prep Tips

1.)Poor Lighting: Dimly lit or overly bright photos can make rooms appear smaller and less inviting. Natural light is your best friend in photography, so open curtains and blinds to let it in. Some folks like us to leave lights on in photos, but our team prefers to leave lights off. We’re a little different than most REPs. For us, we don’t focus on whether or not our photos make rooms look as big as possible. Poor lighting for us would be a home with little natural light or all the lights on but all the lights are a variety of color temps.

2.)Cluttered Spaces: A cluttered room looks chaotic and distracts viewers from focusing on the property’s features. Clear countertops, declutter shelves and tidy up before taking photos. Stash away trash cans, brooms, mops etc. Aim for clear and clean surfaces. 

3.)Unmade Beds and Messy Rooms: Bedrooms with unmade beds or messy spaces convey a lack of care and cleanliness. Ensure rooms are neat, and the beds are made to create a more polished look.


idk what u want me to do im just a 26 y/o teenage girl #messyroom #justgirlythings #roomtour #apartmenttour

♬ original sound – Anne

4.)Ignoring Curb Appeal: Neglecting the property’s exterior can make buyers think the inside is just as neglected. Ensure the lawn is mowed, pathways are clear, and exterior features are highlighted in your photos. Please pick up all items. This is just as bad and distracting as inside clutter.

5.)Overediting: While enhancing photos can make them more appealing, excessive editing can make them look artificial and unrealistic. Wide lenses and over-bright shots distort reality.  This means buyers may be disappointed when they show up. Make sure the photos look like the actual home and are not misleading.

6.)Neglecting Key Selling Points: Failing to showcase a fireplace, scenic views, or architectural details can cause it to blend in with the competition. Our team is trained to know what features buyers love most and how to capture them in the perfect vignette.

7.) Including Personal Items: Personal photos, religious symbols, or overly personalized decor can distract buyers, who may fail to see the room’s full potential. Remove personal items before taking listing photos to create a neutral environment.

8.)Lack of Staging: Empty rooms can appear cold and uninviting, while poorly staged spaces may not showcase the property’s potential. Invest in professional staging or strategically place furniture and decor to help buyers visualize themselves in the home.

9.) Pay Attention to Details: Small details can make a big difference in photography. Ensure towels are neatly folded (If in view), pillows are fluffed, the couch cushions are level, and the rugs are straightened. Hide cords, remotes, and other distractions to create a clean and polished look.

10.) Bring in Color: To enhance the visual appeal of the space, consider adding fresh flowers, decorative pillows, or artwork.

11.) Empty space? Try our virtual staging services to bring modern furniture into an empty room and define essential areas for lifestyle scenes that buyers will love. It’s a perfect way to show the potential an empty home has. 

These 11 tips can make or break your listing photo package. Another bonus is that this package can help you win your next listing when your clients see how spectacular you can make their home look. Art can imitate life and vice versa; it just takes a little time, elbow grease and a smidgeon of planning.

Our team at Absolute Alititude is here to help. Ask us for our ULTIMATE LISTING PREP CHECKLIST to ensure you don’t miss any details before photo day. We guarantee you will ABSOLUTELY love. 

Joel Yocca is the man with the plan, the owner & CEO of Absolute Altitude. The A2 team is prepared to provide you with the assets you need to level up in any market.

We plan your shots

Planning is key to capturing effective B-roll. Typically we are following a custom script that details each shot we want to get while we are at the property. 

We do this to make the best use of your time, and to make sure we can get in and out of the shoot efficiently.

We also specialize in the direction we give to the agent or other hired talent. The fact that we have experience in story-telling and directing people on what to do when adds big-time value.

We often identify unique features and architectural details that deserve attention. Consider the story you want to tell about the property – is it modern and sleek, cozy and rustic, or luxurious and opulent? Absolute Altitude will tailor your B-roll shots to align with this narrative.




     A focus on details

    Close-up shots of design elements like doorknobs, light fixtures, backsplash tiles, and unique architectural elements can add significant value. These shots give potential buyers a closer look at the quality and design features that set the property apart. Use a long lens if necessary to capture intricate details clearly.

    To make your video dynamic and engaging, we  vary your shots in terms of angles and movements. Here are a few techniques:

    • Panning: Slowly move the camera from one side to another to reveal a room or a feature.
    • Tilting and Pedestal Movements: Move the camera up and down to show the height and space either using a hinge or pole.
    • Tracking: Move the camera along a path, following a subject or moving through a space.
    • Static Shots: Hold the camera steady on a tripod to focus on specific elements.


    We Use the right equipment

    While a high-quality camera is essential, additional equipment can elevate your B-roll footage. We often get feedback about our price points, and that others are more affordable. We are very transparent about the quality we bring to each project. This means that we use the best equipment to capture high-resolution footage that is in focus, doesn’t shake, and is the appropriate color. We take pride in using the latest tech to make sure our clients and their collateral are captured in cinematic-quality footage.

    Some basic tools we use are (If we listed everything it would be a whole other blog, but here is a short break down of the types of tools that are in the back of our vehicles):

    • Gimbal: For smooth, cinematic shots, especially when moving through spaces.
    • Tripod: For steady, static shots that highlight specific features.
    • Wide-Angle and Prime Lenses: To capture more of the space in a single frame, giving viewers a comprehensive view. Prime lenses have a fixed focal length for tack-sharp images and dreamy depths of field.
    • Specialty lighting: Our lighting kits for high-end shoots are something that you will not find in your average real estate on-site shoot project.
    • Multiple cameras that are specific to the type of scene we are shooting.
    • Drone: For breathtaking aerial shots that showcase the property’s location and surroundings.
    • All the portable power and batteries to power your project!




    Final thoughts

    Capturing compelling B-rolls for real estate videos involves thoughtful planning, attention to detail, and the right equipment. Depending on the project we could have a multi-age script that we have crafted to make sure we create wow-worthy experiences for your portfolio.

     By focusing on the unique aspects of the property and using various shooting techniques, we can create a rich, immersive video that stands out to potential buyers. Remember, the goal of B-roll is to enhance the story you’re telling about the property, making it more appealing and memorable and that is our favorite story to tell.

     Joel Yocca is the man with the plan, the owner & CEO of Absolute Altitude. The A2 team is prepared to provide you with the assets you need to level up in any market.



    B-Roll Basics

    B-Roll Basics

    Creating an engaging real estate video involves more than just showcasing the property's main features. B-roll footage, the supplementary shots that add depth and context, plays a crucial role in enhancing the visual storytelling of a property tour. Essentially good...