5 Out-of-the-Box Real Estate Marketing Strategies That Work

Mar 8, 2024

The days of real estate agents relying on flyers and print ads to attract potential clients are long over. According to the National Association of Realtors, 86% of sellers work with an agent when selling their homes. With low inventory and stiff competition in the market, agents need to use creative real estate marketing strategies to attract potential clients and get more listings. 

You’re likely already familiar with the latest and most dominant digital marketing tools — such as social media posts, property videos, and 3D virtual tours — but with a bit of creative thinking, you can take your promotional strategies to the next level by trying some fresh tactics.

Why Try New Real Estate Marketing Strategies?

Overall, tried-and-true real estate marketing strategies are proven to enhance your branding, build deeper relationships with clients, and sell more listings. But in today’s hyper-competitive market, it’s the unique approaches that truly set agents apart, making it more likely that prospects will remember you and choose your services over others.

Distinctive branding not only gets you noticed but it also helps build trust and credibility with your audience. When a potential client sees a well-established brand taking the time to provide added value to their services, they’re more likely to feel confident in the agent’s ability to handle their real estate needs. 

5 Creative Real Estate Marketing Strategies Worth Trying

Taking advantage of professionally produced media such as reels, property videos, and magazine-quality photography lays a solid foundation for any real estate marketing strategy. They’re essential for selling homes and your brand. 

But there are ways to springboard from those tools and take your marketing a step further. Let’s take a look at some fresh ideas that are starting to gain some traction amongst some successful real estate agents.

1. Targeted Social Media Ads With AR Overlays 

Did you know that you can use augmented reality (AR) filters on platforms like Instagram or Facebook? This fun tool lets viewers virtually place furniture or design elements in listings to envision their dream home. Imagine showing AR ads for family-friendly homes only to users with young children. When users interact with your ad, an AR filter is triggered through their smartphone camera, overlaying virtual elements onto real-world images.

2. Interactive Market Reports

Interactive market reports are a dynamic upgrade to the traditional static reports often used in real estate. These digital tools create a more engaging experience for prospective buyers, who can filter data by specific criteria like property type, price range, or neighborhood. You can include interactive charts and graphs that users can manipulate to see trends and insights more clearly, as well as integrated features that generate reports customized to a user’s search criteria.

3. Hyperlocal Video Content

Become the neighborhood expert by creating video series that highlight local businesses, events, and the lifestyle of specific areas you specialize in. Instead of just promoting listings, you’re becoming the expert on the local scene, building trust and brand recognition with potential buyers who are interested in a particular neighborhood. Consider including walking tours of the area’s establishments, resident interviews, community events, and hidden gems. 

4. Partner With Influencers

Identify local social media influencers who resonate with your target audience. Partner with them to create sponsored content showcasing the area or your expertise. Start by researching your target audience’s age, interests, and social media habits before selecting the right influencer. Look beyond follower count to find local media personalities, bloggers, or community leaders who resonate with your target audience and whose content aligns with your brand values and the communities you specialize in. “Micro-influencers” (10k-50k followers) often have higher engagement rates and a more targeted audience.

5. Host Enhanced Open House Events

Think beyond the traditional open house. Partner with local businesses to offer food trucks, fitness classes, or DIY workshops at your open house, which can attract a wider audience and build your brand with area homeowners. Themed events add a layer of fun, intrigue, and interactivity, making you and your property stand out from the crowd. The best themes will highlight or take advantage of unique features of the home such as a swimming pool, game room, or outdoor kitchen.

Make Technology Go the Extra Mile in Your Marketing

Real estate marketing strategies are constantly evolving to meet the demands of shifting markets and ever-changing consumer behaviors. Artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive analytics are revolutionizing decision-making with data-based insights and predictive property values, streamlining and fast-tracking real estate processes by eliminating manual tasks.

Drone footage offers viewers images and videos from an aerial perspective, giving potential buyers a unique view of the property. With a better understanding of a home’s layout and the land surrounding it, buyers can feel confident they’re getting the full picture of a home without the need to visit it in person. 

Real Estate Marketing Services With Absolute Altitude

You’ll find the best marketing strategies for real estate professionals at Absolute Altitude. We’re fully equipped to produce the industry’s best-quality video, photography, and digital tools. Our team is dedicated to helping you create stunning content to build your business. 

Contact us to see what we can do for your listings.

We plan your shots

Planning is key to capturing effective B-roll. Typically we are following a custom script that details each shot we want to get while we are at the property. 

We do this to make the best use of your time, and to make sure we can get in and out of the shoot efficiently.

We also specialize in the direction we give to the agent or other hired talent. The fact that we have experience in story-telling and directing people on what to do when adds big-time value.

We often identify unique features and architectural details that deserve attention. Consider the story you want to tell about the property – is it modern and sleek, cozy and rustic, or luxurious and opulent? Absolute Altitude will tailor your B-roll shots to align with this narrative.




     A focus on details

    Close-up shots of design elements like doorknobs, light fixtures, backsplash tiles, and unique architectural elements can add significant value. These shots give potential buyers a closer look at the quality and design features that set the property apart. Use a long lens if necessary to capture intricate details clearly.

    To make your video dynamic and engaging, we  vary your shots in terms of angles and movements. Here are a few techniques:

    • Panning: Slowly move the camera from one side to another to reveal a room or a feature.
    • Tilting and Pedestal Movements: Move the camera up and down to show the height and space either using a hinge or pole.
    • Tracking: Move the camera along a path, following a subject or moving through a space.
    • Static Shots: Hold the camera steady on a tripod to focus on specific elements.


    We Use the right equipment

    While a high-quality camera is essential, additional equipment can elevate your B-roll footage. We often get feedback about our price points, and that others are more affordable. We are very transparent about the quality we bring to each project. This means that we use the best equipment to capture high-resolution footage that is in focus, doesn’t shake, and is the appropriate color. We take pride in using the latest tech to make sure our clients and their collateral are captured in cinematic-quality footage.

    Some basic tools we use are (If we listed everything it would be a whole other blog, but here is a short break down of the types of tools that are in the back of our vehicles):

    • Gimbal: For smooth, cinematic shots, especially when moving through spaces.
    • Tripod: For steady, static shots that highlight specific features.
    • Wide-Angle and Prime Lenses: To capture more of the space in a single frame, giving viewers a comprehensive view. Prime lenses have a fixed focal length for tack-sharp images and dreamy depths of field.
    • Specialty lighting: Our lighting kits for high-end shoots are something that you will not find in your average real estate on-site shoot project.
    • Multiple cameras that are specific to the type of scene we are shooting.
    • Drone: For breathtaking aerial shots that showcase the property’s location and surroundings.
    • All the portable power and batteries to power your project!




    Final thoughts

    Capturing compelling B-rolls for real estate videos involves thoughtful planning, attention to detail, and the right equipment. Depending on the project we could have a multi-age script that we have crafted to make sure we create wow-worthy experiences for your portfolio.

     By focusing on the unique aspects of the property and using various shooting techniques, we can create a rich, immersive video that stands out to potential buyers. Remember, the goal of B-roll is to enhance the story you’re telling about the property, making it more appealing and memorable and that is our favorite story to tell.

     Joel Yocca is the man with the plan, the owner & CEO of Absolute Altitude. The A2 team is prepared to provide you with the assets you need to level up in any market.



    B-Roll Basics

    B-Roll Basics

    Creating an engaging real estate video involves more than just showcasing the property's main features. B-roll footage, the supplementary shots that add depth and context, plays a crucial role in enhancing the visual storytelling of a property tour. Essentially good...